It’s said that “A picture is worth a thousand words”! Look at these photos of a tie beam and a bond beam and you decide.
Our Structural Tie Beam
Their Bond Beam
Since we build and live in SWFL (Hurricane Country) which beam do you believe affords you and your family the “Most Protection”. Our structural tie beam is a continuous fully formed and poured 3,000 psi concrete beam measuring 8” x 16” with (4) four #5 steel rebar that encircle your new home for complete structural protection. Our competitor’s bond beam is 8” x 8” with one (1) rebar. The continuous poured concrete with one rebar measures 5” x 2 ½” and is poured inside a cement block.
In our new home construction, typically every 36”, a #5 steel rebar is tied to the existing #5 steel rebar embedded in the 3,000 psi concrete slab foundation and the #5 steel rebar continues through the concrete block and is tied to the steel rebar in our tie beam. The concrete block cells containing the steel rebar and our 8” x 16” tie beam are poured solid with concrete. This completes a structural tie between our slab foundation and our tie beam. Steel tie-downs are embedded into our tie beam for attachment of the roof structure, making our homes one large unified structure. High winds from a hurricane don’t stand a chance against our home construction.